Thursday, November 17, 2011

School Lunch in a Downward Spiral

As if school lunches weren't already looking bleak, Congress is taking it to another level.

"A new Congressional bill that looks likely to pass quickly will slow down reductions in sodium by requiring further study on long-term requirements, block whole grains by haggling over the definition, and help pizza stay on the menu by allowing two tablespoons of tomato paste on pizza to keep counting as a vegetable."
Many are outraged by these possible last minute changes, including Mission: Readiness, a group made up of hundreds of retired military Generals and Admirals who have been raising alarms about the readiness of our armed forces due to current childhood obesity. Amy Dawson Taggart, the director of Mission: Readiness, recently stated in a letter to politicians:
"We are outraged that Congress is seriously considering language that would effectively categorize pizza as a vegetable in the school lunch program. It doesn't take an advanced degree in nutrition to call this a national disgrace.”

"They are making sure that two of the biggest problems in the school lunch program, pizza and french fries, are untouched."

The above quotes and photo were taken from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Blog, "Playing Potato Pizza Politics"

How do you guys feel about school lunches? Do you think pizza and french fries should count as vegetables for our children?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WIAW: I have a new addiction

Finally jumping back on the What I Ate Wednesday bandwagon :)

Breakfast: I actually woke up early enough for the first time ever, and made it to Starbucks. And then it allll went downhill from there! I just went to get a coffee, non-fat vanilla hazelnut latte (my fav!). Then I saw this yummy muffin and of course I had to have it. The cream cheese was a little much for me, but it had pumpkin seeds in it which i absolutely love. And then it happened...I saw the naked smoothie. I've seen so many of you make these yummy smoothies at home and I have yet to take it on. So when I saw this one already made, I figured I'd give it a go. Holy crap, it's my new favorite food/drink/amazingness! I'm seriously addicted now. My favorite part about it, aside from the obvious greatness of all the fruits and veggies, is it has no added sugar and no GMOS! yay! I am now ready to attempt making my own fruit/veggie smoothie at home. (This one at Starbucks was almost $4, yikes!)

Lunch: Matt made me tuna salad, which I haven't had in what seems like a million years. I have no idea why, I actually really like tuna salad, I just never think about it. We made a delicious salad to go with it. I used this asian seasame dressing my friend Alex @ Cucumbers & Cowboy Boots left me when they, sniff sniff, moved to Virgina. Probably my new favorite dressing now. I put some honey roasted almonds I bought forever ago from publix on it too and Matt made crutons with focaccia bread. Supper yummy salad!

Dinner: OOOhhhh boy. I LOVE SUSHI!!!! There is something about this one roll I just can't get enough of. If my stomach was big enough, I would have ordered 10 more of it!! I'm not even sure I know what's in this roll, but I think it's tuna, and it's fried... and has spicy sauce, soooo, all my favorite things. I want some right now! Why are all my favorite foods so expensive! boo. And now I'm going to figure out a way to convince my husband we need sushi for dinner...again. :) Wish me luck!

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Future Of HFCS?

Taken from the Nutrition Business Journal:
On Oct. 22, a federal judge recently ruled that a deceptive marketing suit brought against the Corn Refiners Association has enough merit to move forward. The suit focuses on TV commercials comparing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with real sugar.
In this brief video, Connor Link, associate editor of Nutrition Business Journal, reviews the interesting twists to the case and explores what this means for the future of HFCS.

Click HERE to see the video.