The article on Yahoo, New Report Slams Kids' Cereals, discusses a new report done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) about the sugar content in children's cereal. It lists the top 10 worst children's cereals based on sugar by weight.
At the top of the list is: Kellogg's Honey Smacks with a whopping (55.6% sugar) You may as well give your child a Twinkie for breakfast!
The report states, "more than half of the 84 brands tested contained at least 12 grams of sugar, or the equivalent of three teaspoons, per serving. That's more sugar than three Chips Ahoy! cookies"
They go on to say, "only one out of four cereals tested met the federal government's proposed guidelines for food nutritious enough to be marketed to children. These guidelines were established to combat the childhood obesity epidemic.
If you're going to eat cereal, stick with those that have a first ingredient of whole grains and no added sugar.
To check out the rest of the cereals on this list, as well as their top 10 cereals that DO meet the nutrition guidelines, click the article link at the top.
Quotes and picture taken from the referenced Yahoo article.
I saw this article today! The whole "Big G" thing kills me- General Mills trying to make Coco Puffs looks nutritious. I mean, I eat them, but as a snack! lol