If you saw the video from Ellen with Kristen Bell's Meltdown, well you need to see it. It made me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one this happens to...
Breakfast: 2 fried eggs & 2 slices bacon. |
If you read my post
yesterday, you know I have some serious anxiety about cooking. If I don't have a recipe in front of me with exact amounts of every single ingredient, how and when to add them, ext. I may possible have an anxiety attack. (This is why my husband is usually in charge of cooking). Well... the other night my husband was teaching and I decided to make the brussels sprouts that I've seen him make a thousand times. I even called to ask how much of everything goes in. I mean, there are only 4 ingredients and brussels sprouts are one of them. How hard can it be right? Apparently REALLY hard. For some reason I had in my head that he said to add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, when in reality he said only 1/2 cup. As soon as I poured that entire cup into the sprouts, I immediately knew it was wrong. I stood there for a second and starred at the brussels sprouts siting in a pool of vinegar. Then, like a 5 year old, I started crying hysterically. I literally sat on my kitchen floor with my wine and cried for 20 minutes over brussels sprouts! Ok...so maybe a drunk 5 year old?? Either way, it was not pleasant.
After I finally composed myself and came back to reality, I just got a slotted spoon and pulled everything out of the vinegar. The worst part is, they still tasted great! ha. A little more mushy than I would like, but still delicious non the less. I'm still slightly traumatized.
They are in a tupperware in this picture because it was leftovers. I was obviously too busy crying to take a proper picture.
Lunch: chicken & brussels sprouts with bacon and walnuts. |
After that thrilling experience would you believe I attempted to cook again the next night?? I did! Luckily this time everything worked out just fine. Mainly because I didn't have a recipe and just threw a bunch of food I wanted to eat into a pan together... Maybe recipes are the problem after all? I dunno.
Ingredients: Cauliflower, chicken, green beans, mushrooms, 1 egg, tamari, coconut oil. |
I shredded the cauliflower in the food processor then cooked it in a pan with coconut oil. Next I added some more coconut oil and added the mushrooms and green beans. Then I added some leftover chicken I cooked the night before, (that part turned out great. I cooked them in olive oil with Italian herbs and some sea salt.) After every thing was heated I added some tamari. Last, I poured in the egg that I had just beaten and stirred everything together until the egg was done cooking. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste but turns out it was pretty good! I even had leftovers that I saved for today's lunch and it was just as good as the first time.
Dinner: Fried Cauliflower with Chicken & Veggies. |