Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paleo Day 17 & WIAW

Today was such an uplifting and inspiring day for me. I have had so many family members and friends message me about wanting to switch to a paleo/primal life. I never thought I'd be reaching so many people just through this blog. The main reason I really started blogging about my paleo journey is because of something I once heard. If you have a goal, shout it from the rooftops, if you don't share it, then it's just out there floating around. Letting people in on this part of my life helps to hold me accountable and I appreciate each and every one of you! I became a dietitian because of my deep desire to help people to achieve a healthy and happy lifestyle through great nutrition. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment and fulfillment to know that I'm reaching even just one person.

Yes, I hardly ever wear make-up, it makes my face itch!
This was me today, day 17 of my paleo journey and down 7 lbs.  I am full of energy and happier than I've been in a really long time. 
I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes I've heard around the paelo scene: "Know the difference between your mouth and a vacuum" 

aaaaaand food:
I had the same breakfast I had yesterday. Actually...I pretty much ate all the same foods I ate yesterday.

Breakfast: 2 cheese eggs (1/4cup cheese), 2 slices bacon & 1/2 a grapefruit.

Lunch: leftover chicken & cauliflower tikka masala.
 I posted the recipe for my tikka masala here.

Dinner: MORE tikka masala.

Obviously we made a huge thing of this stuff so It's going to take me a little while to eat it all. I'm taking some to a friend tomorrow to trade her for some yummy collards she cooked that she bought from the farmers market last weekend.
 I finally ate the last piece of my chocolate bar after eating on it for about a week and a half! It was delicious! Also, Roll Tide. ;)
Snack: almost 4 squares from my Green & Black's 85% cocoa dark organic chocolate bar. & 8oz red wine.
Day 17 Nutrition Facts: 
Fat: 89.1 grams 60%
Carbs: 48.1 grams 14%
Protein: 84.1 grams 25%

I've gotten so caught up in the excitement that I almost forgot it's Wednesday! That means it's time to head on over to Jenn's blog, Peas & Crayons, and Check out some fabulous recipes for "What I ate Wednesday"


  1. Me and dad are looking at your blog. enjoying it. Ok, today is the day for me. starting day one. love mommy

    1. Yay mom!!! I'm
      So excited for you!!! Jerre has been texting me pictures of his food. And I swear he goes on a hike almost everyday!

  2. I cannot get enough grapefruit right now! It is just so delicious!

    1. Me either! We get these ruby reds from a local place here and they are so sweet!
