Saturday, January 14, 2012

Paleo Day 13 & Great News

I am so excited I can't contain myself!!! My younger brother, he's 24, told me yesterday that he has been eating paleo for 3 days now! I had no idea he was even interested or that he was keeping up with my blog. We probably talked about it for an hour after he told me. I'm so excited for him, and maybe later I can share some of his journey and before/after pictures on here with you guys. 

I'm feeling great today! Had an awesome breakfast and just came in from playing outside with my puppy for about an hour. She is zonked!

Now, on to the food...
Breakfast: 1 egg, 3 oz ham, 2 baby bellas, 3/4 tbsp butter.

Lunch/Dinner: hand full of arugula, 3 baby carrots, 1/4 cup walnuts,  1 cutie, 1/2 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp white wine vinegar, 1/2 tbsp honey.

Lunch/Dinner: 2 hard boil eggs, 2 1/2 slices low sodium bacon.
I also had maybe 5 macadamia nuts while I was making my eggs and had 2 squares from my 85% cocoa dark organic chocolate bar later. I really needed to eat another meal yesterday but we had to go grocery shopping when I got off work at 1 so it ended up being dinner time before I ate again.

Day 13 Nutrition Facts:
Fat: 74.9 grams 66%
Carbs: 38 grams 15%
Protein: 47.2 grams 19%

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